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Accessibility Statement

The National Regulatory Control Council endeavours to make this website barrier-free in accordance with § 12 BGG.

State of compliance with the requirements

The accessibility requirements result from paragraph 3 paragraphs 1 to 4 and paragraph 4 of the BITV 2.0, which were issued on the basis of § 12d BGG.

The website is currently being checked. The results will be published here shortly.

Creation of this accessibility statement

This statement was created on March 23, 2023.

Feedback and contact details

You can use the following contact to report shortcomings in terms of compliance with accessibility requirements and to obtain information about content that is excluded from the legal provisions:

Enforcement Procedures

In the case of unsatisfactory answers from the above-mentioned contact option, an arbitration procedure can be used. Further information on the procedure and the application can be found on the website of the Arbitration board according to the Disability Equality Act.